4 Ways to Use Mobile Partitions

If you’re looking to get the most out of a workspace or classroom, mobile partitions are the perfect way to customize a space to your exact specifications. Mobile partitions are freestanding walls that should look familiar to anyone who has ever used a cubicle. However, the addition of wheels makes it simple to rearrange the office or even create new enclosed spaces on the fly. We’ve put together a few thought-starters if you’re looking for the best way to use portable partitions for creative office layouts.
1. Cut a Room in Half
The most common use of partitions, outside of building a cubicle, is to divide a large room into smaller subsections. Portable room dividers can provide a major productivity boost by grouping separate teams and departments together. Partitions can help with noise pollution in a large office, so departments with frequent phone calls and interactions don’t disturb those that need a quieter working environment.
2. Make a Huddle Room
Open concept offices have grown in popularity as a means to foster better inter-team communication and collaboration. However, it can be a challenge to find a space to have a private conversation in an open office. Rather than wasting time and resources by having employees squabble over a limited number of conference rooms, why not let them create a conference room whenever the need strikes? Portable office partitions make it easy to create a private huddle room for confidential discussions or focused sprints. You could take the idea even further by using partitions to create communal “pods” for team members to reserve when they need a moment of focus.
3. Create a Storage Area or a New Workstation
Mobile partition walls can help the office feel less cramped by hiding unsightly filing cabinets and monstrous printers. Rather than having decades-old file cabinets scattered across the office, you can park them all in an analog “data center.” Surrounding the print station with partition walls is a great way to keep equipment corralled too.
4. Showcase Your Employees’ Ideas
Portable partitions can also serve as a blank canvas for your team’s ideas. When you need to see the big picture, sometimes it helps to have important documents and visuals laid out on the wall. Some of our fabric-lined wall partitions have tackable surfaces that make it easy to post ideas in a brainstorm without the messy adhesive aftermath. The walls can double as makeshift bulletin boards to help foster employee communication and inform them of the latest happenings at the office. Outside of corporate office environments, partition walls can be a great tool for teachers to showcase student work at the next open house.
Whether you’re hunkering down for a creative huddle or looking for ways to make every employee feel welcome in space of their own, portable office partitions can help you tackle the task. We offer dividers in multiple lengths and colors, as well as single partitions that can be combined to fit a custom length. No matter the size of the space, we can help you customize a solution that fits your exact specifications.